enhanced] DD-B

Book Note: Alan E. Nourse, Star Surgeon (#2)

I read this book about 8-Feb-2011. I've read this book before. The book is copyright 1959. This note was last modified Wednesday, 09-Feb-2011 18:02:13 PST.

This note contains spoilers for the book.


Stumbled onto this on Gutenberg again, and read it in a day. It's a fast read.

I still like it a lot. I'm pretty sure I borrowed it from the Northfield Public Library, which I tink I did mostly while we lived right near it, which would mean up to 3rd grade.

I suspect Raiders From the Rings would not hold up so well, though I liked it at the time. I think I even saw areas that were problematic in it; probably just not as strongly as now.






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David Dyer-Bennet